Monday, 25 July 2016

Selena Gomez 'can get paid $550,000 for a social media post'

"Celebrity women are absolutely dominating social media when it comes to personal branding nowadays, and Selena Gomez is the queen bee of digital buzz. According to measurement company D'Marie Analytics, the top six social influencers are either female pop stars like Gomez, Rihanna, Beyoncé and Taylor Swift—or their last name is Jenner, and first name is either Kendall or Kylie.
Gomez currently stands in the No. 1 slot and, per D'Marie, is worth $550,000 per social media post when the messaging appears across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. That's $300,000 more than the analytics company said Kendall Jenner, Gomez, Swift and Cara Delevingne could probably charge last December.
Frank Spadafora, CEO of D'Marie Group, described the methodology behind Gomez's $550,000 figure: "The rate-per-post is her 'ad equivalent' value per post across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. This may be different than how much she is actually getting paid when participating in social media campaigns. That is up to negotiations between her agents and the brands. This valuation is based on D'Marie's algorithm which measures 56 metrics including followers, post frequency, engagement, quality of post, click-thru and potential to create sales conversions from her social content."
Note - Caveat emptor - D'Marie doesn't actually know and is 'estimating' based on goodness knows what

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