There are 2.7 million downloads a day with an average of 2.6 apps downloaded per visit
About 90% of the daily traffic to Ovi Store converts to downloads
85% of the signed in visitors to Ovi Store are repeat visitors
Each active user is averaging 8.5 downloads per month
Active users in 190+ countries
Games continue to be #1 for paid downloads and apps continue to be #1 for free downloads
90% of mobile consumers now have Ovi Store in their local language
Publishers from more than 90 countries are distributing their content through Ovi Store
More than 135 devices are supported, 80 are Symbian devices
6 of the top 10 downloading devices are touch devices: 5800 XpressMusic, N97, N97 mini, 5530 XpressMusic, 5230 Nuron, and X6 where available
Prominent Eseries devices included E63, E71 and E72
The 5130 XpressMusic and 2700 classic are the top downloading Series 40 devices
The most active countries in alphabetical order are: China, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Turkey, UK and Vietnam
Over 80% of these consumers can purchase from Ovi Store using their local currency
In countries where mobile billing is available, more than 2/3 of customers choose this payment option
With support for 30 language variations, 90% of Ovi Store visitors are using their local language when available"
Source: Forum Nokia, as of 28th October 2010
Amazon Alexa in your car & in your life
4 years ago
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