"We are often asked: when did qr-codes for mobile phones start in Japan?
Here is the answer: the first mobile phone with qr-code reader was the J-SH09 produced by SHARP for Japan's J-Phone mobile operator (today's Softbank) and came on sale in August 2002 - seven years ago."
Source: EuroTechnology Japan blog, 29th July 2009
Amazon Alexa in your car & in your life
4 years ago
thanks for the info. i was going crazy just trying to look for when the qr phone was first used. thanks so much again
thank you for mentioning our work with qr codes in Japan.
We have rebuilt our website, and the link you mention as changed. The new link is:
We also have a report: "QR code for mobile phones and 105 applications" which you can find here:
Gerhard - from Tokyo
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