Thursday 27 August 2009

Players of the video game LittleBigPlanet have created over 1 million of their own levels

"Each week the data-miners in our IT department here at Sackboy Central send us a big spreadsheet full of numbers. Some of the numbers mention stuff like “concurrency” and “peak measures”, which are all very nice, although not, for the most part, tremendously exciting. But there is one number in particular that we’ve always kept a close eye on: the number of levels uploaded by the LittleBigPlanet community. And this week, that number became awesome indeed. The community has now uploaded over one million levels.
One. Million. Levels.
Amazing, isn’t it? Just think, this means that a new level has been published roughly every 21 seconds since LittleBigPlanet launched."
Source: Playstation blog, 22nd July 2009

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