Monday, 11 June 2012

American Pinterest users follow more brands than Twitter or Facebook users

"Pinterest is dominating as a social site where consumers and retailers connect, according to a new comScore-led study. On the image-rich site, retailers can easily showcase their wares in a flashy digital format, and shoppers are eating (and buying) it up.
According to the new comScore-conducted survey of some 1,500 consumers in the U.S., Pinterest users follow an average of 9.3 retailers on the site, compared with 8.5 by Twitter users, and 6.9 by Facebook users.
Nearly two in five online consumers surveyed follow retailers on one or more social-networking sites, found the survey, results of which were published as the 2012 Social and Mobile Commerce Study, a combined research effort among comScore,, and The Partnering Group, and analysts found that a social- and mobile-customized approach is leading to social commerce success for retailers."

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