Monday 11 June 2012

42% of American iPhone buyers are switching from another smartphone

"Here's more evidence that Google's Android is peaking and (as if we needed it) that Research in Motion's BlackBerry is headed south. In a survey released to clients Thursday, the Consumer Intelligence Research Partners found that more iPhones were purchased in April by U.S. customers leaving Apple's competitors than by owners of earlier iPhone models. Of the customers who bought iPhones in April, according to CIRP:
42% were switching from another smartphone, up from 36% in February.
Specifically, 38% were coming from either Android or BlackBerry, up from 29%.
34% were upgrades from earlier iPhones, down from 71% immediately after the iPhone 4S launch last fall
24% were switching from a feature phone or buying their very first mobile phone."
Source:  Fortune, 7th June 2012

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