Thursday, 4 August 2011

27% of UK adults, and 47% of UK teenagers, own a smartphone

"New Ofcom research reveals the extent to which the UK has become addicted to smartphones, with people confessing to using them everywhere from the dining table to the bathroom and bedroom.
Over a quarter of adults (27 per cent) and almost half of teenagers (47 per cent) now own a smartphone, according to Ofcom’s latest Communications Market Report.
Most (59 per cent) have acquired their smartphone, which includes devices such as iPhones, Blackberrys and Android phones, over the past year.
Users make significantly more calls and send more texts than regular mobile users (81 per cent of smartphone users make calls every day compared with 53 per cent of ‘regular’ users).
Teenagers especially are ditching more traditional activities in favour of their smartphone, with 23 per cent claiming to watch less TV and 15 per cent admitting they read fewer books.
And when asked about the use of these devices, 37 per cent of adults and 60 per cent of teens admit they are ‘highly addicted’."
Source:  Data from the Ofcom Communications Market 2011 report, as summarised on their website, 4th August 2011
Full Report available here

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