Thursday, 26 September 2019

Netflix and Google (inc YouTube) collectively account for nearly 25% of all internet traffic

"Sandvine, a provider of network intelligence solutions, has released its 2019 Global Internet Phenomena Report.
Video is over 60 per cent of the total downstream volume of traffic on the Internet.
Netflix is 12.60 per cent of the total downstream volume of traffic across the entire internet and 11.44 per cent of all internet traffic.
Google is 12 per cent of overall internet traffic, driven by YouTube, search, and the Android ecosystem.
Gaming traffic and gaming-related bandwidth consumption is increasing as gaming downloads, Twitch streaming, and eSports go mainstream.
BitTorrent is over 27 per cent of total upstream volume of traffic, and over 44 per cent in EMEA alone.
Facebook applications make up over 15 per cent of the total internet traffic in APAC."
Source:  Advanced Television, 12th September 2019

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