Wednesday, 20 September 2017

P&G generates $3bn a year from eCommerce; growing at 30% a year

"P&G is also adopting a new approach to programmatic. Through using third-party verification tools, it found it was reaching “too few people with too many ads too many times”, leading to “excessive frequency and waste”.
But now instead of using programmatic to save money through cheaper ad buys, P&G is now looking at the issue “through the lens of the consumer”.
He cited the example of Amazon, with P&G using its unique consumer ID data to ensure it is reaching consumers when they are ready to buy. Ecommerce is now a $3bn business at P&G and growing by 30% a year, while the improved targeting it offers is cutting waste by 20% and improving ROI by four times, as well as offering a better experience for consumers.
To help eliminate fraud, P&G has stopped buying media in the publisher long-tail, which was a “massive” source of bots. Pritchard admits the company “took the head fake” of thinking that the endless supply of websites would supply cheap media. It did, he said, “but you get what you pay for”. P&G now works with TAG and only advertisers with 200 trusted media partners that have proven they are clean."

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