Tuesday, 30 May 2017

The Grand Tour was the most sought after VOD programme in Q1 2017

"A non-Netflix show – The Grand Tour – was the most sought-after digital video-on-demand title available globally for the first time in the quarter to March, according to the latest Global On Demand Report from Parrot Analytics.
Parrot Analytics analyses the demand for 30 recent popular US digital titles across 10 markets, based on the application of artificial intelligence to expressions of demand across social media, fan sites, peer-to-peer protocols and file-sharing platforms.
According to Parrot, the top shows in the US in the three months to March were Stranger Things, with 10.5 million average ‘demand expressions’ and The OA, with 9.1 million – both from Netflix. Amazon’s The Grand Tour and The Man in the High Castle came third and fourth, followed by Netflix’s Marvel’s Luke Cage.
Overall, 16 of the top 30 titles came from Netflix, while Amazon accounted for seven and Hulu for four. Crackle (Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee) and Seeso (Bajillion Dollar Propertie$) had one title each near in the top 30 list. Stranger Things enjoyed a 257% spike in popularity after the release date for Season 2 was announced during the Super Bowl.
In the UK, The Grand Tour, which topped the list in five of the 10 markets studied, led the way with 6.3 million expressions of demand, followed some way behind by Stranger Things with just over 2.6 million and The Man in the High Castle, also with 2.6 million.
The OA and The Crown made up the top five. The Grand Tour aside, the list was largely dominated by Netflix, followed by Amazon, a pattern that was repeated in Australia, where The Grand Tour topped the list, with Netflix occupying the remaining four of the top five slots."

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