Wednesday, 27 July 2016

It took Uber six years to make the first billion rides; the second billion took 6 months

"It took Uber six years to complete a billion rides around Christmas 2015. Now, just six months later, the company has announced that they have completed their two-billionth ride.
Six months is 180 days, meaning the company was providing an average of 5.5 million rides a day, or 230,000 an hour to hit a billion rides in six months.
Even crazier – instead of one person completing the lucky trip that pushes the company past the two billion mark, there were 147 rides that all tied for the being the two-billionth trip.
All 147 rides literally started their trip the exact same second – at 4:16 AM GMT on Saturday, June 18. Even cooler – these 147 trips simultaneously started in 16 different countries on five continents.
As their reward for hitting the milestone, all 147 riders and drivers will receive $450 – since Uber is now in 450 cities around the world. This pales in comparison to the year of free rides (up to £10,000) gifted to the rider who hit one billion rides for the company, but it’s understandable that the prize was decreased considering there are now 147 winners."

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