Monday, 4 April 2016

72% of Pinterest users have seen a product on Pinterest and then made a purchase in a store

"Pinterest also influences purchases when people step away from the comfort of their couch. 72% of Pinners have seen something on Pinterest and made a purchase offline, according to Millward Brown.
In fact, Pinners are twice as likely to buy products in-store after engaging with certain types of Pins. Internal studies have shown that after viewing a relevant Pin:
61% of Pinners made a food purchase (43% of those purchased online and 82% purchased in-store)
42% of Pinners made a beauty purchase (49% of those purchased online and 69% purchased in-store.)
And when they’re on the go, mobile Pinterest helps seal the deal. Ahalogy found that 45% of active mobile Pinners use Pinterest to look for inspiration while shopping, especially in topics like clothing, food, and arts and crafts. People also turn to Pins they’ve already saved—Millward Brown found that 64% of Pinners look at items they’ve Pinned while they’re at a brick and mortar store."
Source:  Pinterest's blog, 3rd March 2016

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