Monday, 29 February 2016

Over half of UK online sales come through tablets or mobiles

"A major digital tipping point has been reached – with the percentage of UK online retail sales made through mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) exceeding 50% for the first time in Q4 2015/16*.
Smartphones and tablets accounted for 51% of UK online retail sales in Q4, which was a substantial increase on the 45% recorded in Q3 – and up from 40% in Q4 last year.
The percentage split of total UK online sales between the types of channel for Q4 2015/16 was as follows:
Desktop / laptop – 49%
Tablets - 33%
Smartphones - 18%
Visits to retail websites via mobile devices accounted for two-thirds (66%) of traffic in Q4, up from 63% in the previous quarter. This compares with 53% in Q4 last year.
This leap in mobile penetration appears to be being driven by increased confidence in using smartphones for online shopping. Sales growth through these devices rose sharply in 2015, while growth through tablets reached a record low in December 2015."
Source;  IMRG, 24th February 2016

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