Thursday, 11 February 2016

1 in 7 Australians watch no commercial TV on a typical weekday

"Over one in seven Australians now watch no commercial television on a normal weekday – over twice as many as in 2008. The audience is fast getting older and SVoD looks set to make a bigger dent in the medium’s reach in 2016, the latest media data from Roy Morgan Research shows.
Seven years ago, only 6.9 per cent of Australians (14+) wouldn’t watch any Commercial TV on a normal weekday, and there was little difference between age groups. Nearly everyone, regardless of age, would watch at least some show (and advertising) during the day. It was simply a matter of which show reached which people.
Since then, the proportion of Australians who don’t watch any Commercial TV has more than doubled to 14.9 per cent—and the gap is widening between age groups, with 14-34 year-olds making the fastest exodus from the medium. In 2015, over one in five 25-34 year-olds (20.7 per cent) watched no Commercial TV, up nearly threefold from the 7.6 per cent who couldn’t be reached by the channel in 2008. 18.8 per cent of 14-24 year-olds now don’t watch any Commercial TV, up from 7.0 per cent in 2008.
Commercial TV also has less reach among older people, but their abandonment has been slower: 14.1 per cent of 35-49 year-olds and 11.0 per cent of Australians 50+ reported watching no Commercial TV on a normal weekday in 2015 (up from 6.5 per cent and 6.9 per cent respectively)."
Source;  Advanced Television, 1st February 2016

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