Thursday, 15 October 2015

TV is the dominant video viewing platform for millennials in the US

"TV remains the dominant video platform across all demographics, even millennials, according to a report from the Video Advertising Bureau.
The study revealed that a full 80% of millennials say that their video time is spent with TV. And further, watching live TV, as opposed to video-on-demand (VOD), comprises the bulk of viewing.
"One of the most common myths we hear in the marketplace is [that] millennials don't watch TV," the report noted. "This multiscreen insight report takes a deep dive into the video landscape with a specific look at young adults 18-34. We will let the numbers speak for themselves but there is no denying millennials love premium, multiscreen video content."
At the same time, the migration of video viewers from computer to smartphone has accelerated, with 8% less consumers watching video on computer (persons over the age of 18) than they were last year. Meanwhile there been a 16% increase in smartphone video consumption. Also, 45% of people over 18 say that smartphone video garners more time spent.
App usage has also reached its highest level to date, averaging 176 million users over the age of two, monthly. Multimedia device penetration and usage now stands at over 61 million people 2+, with time spent with multimedia devices is highest among millennials."
Source:  Data from the VAB, reported by Rapid TV News, 14th October 2015
Full presentation here

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