Monday, 12 October 2015

Children who play video games more frequently achieve lower academic results

Headline Findings:
"- Access to a computer/laptop at home is not an issue for the vast majority of young people with at
least 95% reporting having access. However, despite the fact that only 5% report not having access
to a computer or laptop, when scaled up across the top 40 schools in terms of deprivation, c.1,000
young people are potentially without access, placing them at significant disadvantage.
- Young people spend a significant amount of time online each day with one-third of young people
spending four hours or more online in Year 1 rising to 40% in Year 2 of the study.
- Social networking and gaming were identified by parents/carers and teachers as activities that
could most negatively impact on young people’s attainment. Findings from this research confirm
a link between extent of gaming and GCSE attainment, e.g. only two-fifths (41%) of pupils who
reported using a portable games player a couple of times a day achieved 5A*-C GCSE grades
compared to over three-quarters (77%) of those who reported rarely using one. No relationship
was observed in terms of social networking.
- School staff were particularly concerned about extent of gaming, reporting a number of issues
relating to attendance, punctuality and motivation. Particular issues identified in relation to male
pupils with gaming addiction noted in some instances.
- Internet safety is a particular concern for schools and parents/carers however young people
themselves appeared more comfortable with their own safety online."

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