Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Nearly 500 advertisers have used Sky AdSmart; 69% were new to TV or Sky

"Eighteen months after Sky AdSmart went live on TV, nearly 500 advertisers have used the service – 69% of them new to TV or Sky Media, Sky’s media sales house. During that time, there have been 2299 campaigns on the targeted ad insertion platform, more than 700 of them post-code-based, with a total of 1.9 billion ad impressions served.
Graeme Hutcheson, Head of Sky AdSmart, unveiled his latest set of statistics at the Connected TV Summit in London, saying “we're really, really happy about the new-to-TV or new-to-Sky Media stats. It's really pulling in loads and loads of advertisers who never considered TV before. That was really the ambition at the start and early signs are saying we're delivering on that.”
One of major drivers  was the availability of post-code targeting, he said. “Being able to go to a double-glazing firm in Exeter who never have considered a TV campaign before, purely because it's too broad and too expensive as an entry cost, we can go to a company like that and say ‘Look, we can target consumers or your customers in your particular area – and actually the entry cost, the capital costs for going into that aren’t massive because you're only talking to 30,000 homes.’""
Source:  VideoNet, 30th June 2015

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