Tuesday, 21 April 2015

One third of American adults owns a smart TV or device to stream video to their TV

"The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) today released “The Changing TV Experience: Attitudes and Usage Across Multiple Screens,” an in-depth study that explores new ground in the ongoing dramatic shift in consumers’ television viewing habits, and offers marketers insights into reaching audiences as connected TV ownership and multiscreening become more prevalent.
Connected TV Versus Traditional TV:
The study revealed that one in three Americans over the age of 18 owns either a smart TV or a device that streams video to their TVs, with two in five (38%) of those individuals spending at least 50 percent of their TV viewing time streaming video to their television.
Half of connected TV owners say they are more likely to stream content than watch traditional TV because there are fewer commercials, while 40 percent considered commercials on these platforms to be less intrusive than standard TV ads. In addition, they are quite satisfied with their new viewing experience, with 76 percent saying it is just as good or better than traditional TV (“as good” 51%, “better” 25%). They also cite a preference for streaming since it gives them greater control (33%) and better selection/more content of interest (29%).
In the connected TV universe, people watch a range of programming at least once a month:
Over three-quarters stream Netflix and YouTube video content
About half stream traditional TV shows, Amazon Prime programming, and videos from portals such as AOL, Google and Yahoo
Two out of five stream videos from Hulu Plus

Over a third (35%) of connected TV owners are streaming more video to their TV than a year ago. One in four smartphone and tablet owners, and one in five computer owners say the same. Meanwhile, 19 percent of adults 18 and older state that they are watching less traditional TV year-over-year.
Traditional TV Undergoes Multiscreen Transformation:
According to the report, 78 percent of U.S. adults simultaneously use another device while watching traditional TV, with browsing the internet being the most popular activity across devices and smartphones serving as the predominant second screen. More than two-thirds (69%) of smartphone users regularly conduct activities on their mobile phone during TV viewing, and 84 percent do so daily. In addition, more than half of computer and tablet owners multiscreen during TV viewing, with 79 percent of computer users doing so daily, and 65 percent of tablet owners doing so with the same frequency.
A significant portion of smartphone, tablet, and computers user perform tasks related to the TV shows or commercials they are watching, including:
Email/IM/text with friends about the show/movie (54% smartphones, 37% tablets, 38% computers)
Search for information about show/movie/actor (49%, smartphones, 43% tablets, 44% computers)
Read/post on social media pages of the show/movie/actor (42% smartphones, 31% tablets, 33% computers)
Search for reviews of a product/service shown in a commercial (37% smartphones, 40% tablets, 40% computers)
Post on social media about a commercial (34% smartphones, 28% tablets, 26% computers)

The study’s results confirm that multiscreening is on the upswing overall, with 40 percent of smartphone users saying that they have increased multiscreening activity over the past year. The rise year-over-year is similar for tablet users (39%), with a solid increase among computer users (28%) as well."
Full report 'The Changing TV Experience' here

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