Wednesday, 14 January 2015

The number of stickers shared each day on Facebook rose 75% in 2014

"People speak a new universal language—one that is made up of photos, emojis, stickers and videos. This visual language is seen as a succinct, time-efficient and powerful way for people to get their point across.
Helping to drive this development is mobile technology, as it allows people to have a camera with them at all times to capture and share images and express themselves using sight, sound and motion.
“The camera is there right on your phone. … You can just upload what you took at the touch of a button,” Aimee, a 26-year-old from the UK told us.1
We are seeing this shift to a visual language come to life on Facebook. In just one year, the number of video posts per person has increased 75% globally and 94% in the US.2 And every day, people upload more than 350 million photos on average to Facebook.3
On Instagram, people have always communicated visually. More than 300 million people around the world post more than 70 million photos and videos each day on Instagram.4 Meanwhile, the average number of stickers shared per day on Facebook around the world climbed 75% from 2013 to 2014.5"
Notes - 
Note 1: Source: “Communications Changes” by Millward Brown Firefly (study commissioned by Facebook). 3-day IdeaBlog conducted among 30 digital communicators, ages 18-44, in US, UK, Brazil and Japan during the week of Jan 13, 2014.
Note 2: Source: Facebook Internal Data on content creation from Jan 1, 2013-Nov 1, 2014, accessed on Nov 1, 2014.
Note 3: Source: Facebook Internal Data, Q4 2012.
Note 4: Source: Instagram Internal Data, Dec 2014.
Note 5: Source: Facebook Internal Data sticker usage, Apr 2013-Dec 2014.

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