Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Search engines are more trusted than traditional media

Source:  Research from Edelman, reported by Quartz, 20th January 2015
""Online search engines have overtaken traditional media as the most trusted source for general news and information, according to a global survey of 27,000 people by Edelman, a public relations firm. The data will be presented to delegates at the World Economic Forum in Davos this week."
Note - 'Hybrid Media' seems to mean things like Huffington Post, according to this definition:
"There's an emerging class of media brands that are smart, scrappy and unmatched in their digital DNA. Call them hybrids. They're digitally native and entrepreneurial. They use social and search to their fullest, yet many of them have a traditional ad-sales network that resembles their legacy-laced brethren. Hence the descriptor."

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