Monday, 10 November 2014

Tinder has had 40m downloads

"Dressed in skinny jeans and a blue blazer, Rad unspooled a series of ever more staggering stats. Tinder, which has logged 600% growth over the past 12 months, has been downloaded 40 million times since it launched in 2012. The 30 million people who have registered collectively check out 1.2 billion prospective partners daily—that’s 14,000 per second. And they’re not just kicking the tires: Tinder is now facilitating almost 14 million romantic matches every 24 hours. As originally planned, Rad then confidently revealed the idea for the premium service, as 1,000 tweets shot across the Internet heralding the news. In the hallway immediately after the talk, he did a live interview with CNBC. “After this last year,” he sighs in retrospect, “being able to detach like that onstage was a walk in the park.”"
Source:  Forbes, 4th November 2014
Related - Tinder has a minimum age limit of 13

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