Monday, 10 November 2014

The 'Kim Kardashian: Hollywood' app generated $43.4m revenue in Q3 2014

"Despite being totally free to download (and play), Kim Kardashian's super addictive smartphone app "Kim Kardashian: Hollywood" is raking in MILLIONS. $43.4 million, to be precise—and that's just for the third quarter.
According to a Q314 earnings call report from the game's developer, Glu Mobile (via Daily Dot), KK:H made more than 10 other Glu-owned apps combined. While not necessary to play, in-app purchases can be made to make advances in the game. Over 22.8 million people have downloaded it since it was released in June, and collectively, it's been played for more than 5.7 billion minutes (though, whether the players are willing to admit that is another story)."

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