Friday, 21 November 2014

18% of internet users are responsible for over 80% of video shares

"While almost one in five (17.9%) internet users are sharing video content with their social networks these ‘super sharers’ are responsible for the majority (82.4%) of all video shares.
In the Geography of Sharing report from marketing technology company Unruly, the networks used were analysed and it found that more than three quarters of video views take place outside of YouTube.
In terms of where video is being shared, it is a fragmented picture. While Facebook sees the most videos shared (59.4%) worldwide, viewers share across a multitude of platforms including Twitter (13.8%), Google+ (9.3%), Tumblr (5.7%) and Pinterest (3.9%).
Among its other findings were that South Koreans are the fastest sharers, with 20% of shares occurring within the first 24 hours of launch and its citizens are also more likely to click, replay or share an ad than any other territories worldwide.
However viewers in Germany are more likely to watch an ad to the end; 79% of Germans who watched an ad stayed till the final frame. The UK was in second place with 77%."

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