Wednesday, 27 November 2013

The average number of sexual partners a British woman has had has doubled in 20 years

Click to enlarge

Source:  Natsal, the National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles, 26th November 2013
Full Infographic here
Lancet papers here
"Over 15,000 adults aged 16-74 participated in interviews between September 2010 and August 2012. Studying this large representative sample of people living in Britain enabled the researchers to produce key estimates on patterns of sexual behaviour, attitudes, health, and wellbeing across the population. Two previous Natsal surveys have taken place, in 1990 and 2000, making it one of the biggest and most comprehensive studies of sexual behaviour undertaken in a single country."
Note - Yes, I know that this isn't a 'digital stat' but I think this (& other findings in the surveys) is a great example of how people's attitudes and behaviour can change over time.  I often hear people say 'people don't change, technology does' and while I agree with that to a degree (often motivations don't change...) people do change, and society does change...

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