Tuesday, 3 September 2013

A third of visitors to US ecommerce sites come only via mobile or tablets

"Out of Every 3 Monthly Visitors to the Average Digital Retailer Website Comes Exclusively on Mobile Platforms
Not only is Retail one of the highest penetration activities across all digital media platforms today, but in June it actually had a higher penetration within smartphones (90%) and tablets (91%) than on desktop computers (78%). Given its relative importance on mobile platforms, retailers should not be surprised then to see an increasingly meaningful percentage of their digital visitors being sourced from smartphones and tablets.
What may be surprising to retailers, however, is that for many consumers mobile is the only channel through which they engage with a retail brand during the course of a typical month. A recent comScore analysis reveals that an average of 35 percent of the average Top 50 retailers’ monthly audience comes exclusively from mobile platforms. What this means is that retailers who do not (at a minimum) optimize their mobile browsing experience or introduce mobile apps are effectively turning away a third of their potential customers."
Note - I think that 'mobile' includes tablets

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