Friday, 12 April 2013

New mothers spend 35% more time online than the general population

"Research from BabyCentre, the online and mobile resource for new and expectant mums, suggests that mothers spend 35% more time online than the general population.
Internet usage after becoming a mother increases by 45%, email by 31% and mobile by 28%, according to the survey. On the flipside, magazine readership declines by 55%, while TV viewing slumps by 36%.
The smartphone quickly becomes the mother's significant other: 36% of women purchase a smartphone as a result of becoming a mum, while 59% of mothers called it their "do-everything device".
Respondents said they feel more guilty (+186%), rushed (+121%), and stressed (+39%) when shopping compared to how they felt pre-children. As a result of this shift, 62% said they prefer to do all their shopping online.
It is not just media consumption habits that change when children arrive: 68% of women change their purchase criteria for everything, including clothing, beauty products and cars."

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