Friday, 8 February 2013

British music fans streamed more than 3.7 billion tracks in 2012

"British digital music has gone from strength to strength, giving consumers one of the world’s most innovative, diverse and advanced online music markets.  Innovation from British record labels and more than 70 legal services serving the British market have delivered record numbers in 2012:
Digital now accounts for 99.6% of singles sold, boosting sales to record volumes for the fifth successive year.  Digital has resurrected the UK market for singles – with 183.3m digital single tracks sold in 2012, a more than five-fold increase in the space of a decade.
30.5m digital albums were sold in 2012, up 14.8% year-on-year.
16 albums sold more than 100,000 copies as digital downloads in 2012.
UK music fans streamed more than 3.7 billion tracks in 2012 - 140 for every household.
More than 114m albums and 938m single tracks sold as digital downloads to date.
The music streaming market is now worth more than £49m to British record labels, accounting for 15.2% of digital trade income."
Source:  Press release from the BPI, 7th February 2013

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