Friday, 4 January 2013

51% of all online actions in the US on Christmas Day were on mobile

"On December 25, 2012 Mixpanel analyzed 695 million actions, a 5% increase over the previous Tuesday (December 18, 2012). On Christmas day consumer activity was almost evenly split between mobile and desktop devices, with mobile devices taking the slight edge with 51% of actions. What this does not show is the spike in mobile activity on Christmas day. It becomes more apparent when we compare December 25 to the previous Tuesday, December 18, 2012 when mobile devices accounted for only 40% of actions.
Focusing in on mobile, it’s clear apps won the day. On December 25 the vast majority of mobile activity Mixpanel measured–fully 98%–took place inside Android or iOS apps. iOS apps saw slightly more activity from consumers on Christmas day, with 54% of actions coming from iPhone apps compared to 44% from Android apps."
Note - I'm assuming that this means 'and tablet'

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