Tuesday 13 November 2012

Mobile accounts for more than 20% of Orbitz' hotel bookings

"When Orbitz began putting together a strategy to target mobile commerce in late 2009 there were still plenty of questions as to how fast the travel-booking industry was going to move to mobile. Now, three years later, the company ranks fourth overall in projected mobile sales for 2012. With gross mobile bookings projected to surpass $700 million in U.S. sales by the end of the year, Orbitz is only behind Amazon, Apple and Marriott in the annual guide.
"Mobile is a new opportunity to reach people and some of those people have different demographics than our other customer segments,” said Chris Brown, VP of product strategy for online and mobile at Orbitz. “We are looking at how do we target people that have a tendency toward mobile."
Over the course of 2012, more than 20 percent of hotel bookings on Orbitz overall are coming from mobile devices, added Brown. Last-minute bookings for same-day reservations are especially high on smartphones. An average of 60 to 65 percent of all daily bookings on smartphones are for check-ins that evening, he said. When Orbitz first began taking hotel bookings on mobile in 2010, it only accounted for a few percentage points."
Note - Clearly 'mobile' includes tablets

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