Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Cadbury's Olympic sponsorship helped it add more than 260,000 new fans & followers over the Olympic period

"The Kraft-owned chocolate brand, which is a sponsor of both the London Olympics and Paralympics, has been highly active in its marketing activity around the Olympics.
Its initial above-the-line activity, its Spots and Stripes campaign, was criticised in some quarters for failing to engage customers.
However, Kraft claims its social media activity has been a success. It claims to have added 2.5 million fans and followers to its UK social media channels on Facebook, Twitter and Google+, which are dedicated to the Games content, since the start of the year.
The combined social media channels, which now have a reach of 7.5 million, experienced sharp growth over the 17 days of the Olympic Games.
The steepest growth was on its @CadburyUK Twitter account, which added 25,000 followers over the course of the event, taking it to a total of 75,000.
Its CadburyUK Facebook Page, which has 245,000 fans, lifted 20% during the 17-day period, adding 35,000 followers.
Its Google+ page gained 200,000 new fans during the Games, which saw it break through the two million fans mark.
Cadbury claims this growth on Twitter is partly organic, through having engaging conversations with consumers, but also using paid-for products throughout the Games helped it achieve greater scale."

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