Wednesday, 6 June 2012

427m Europeans use the internet each week

"The Interactive Advertising Bureau Europe (IAB Europe) is pleased to announce the latest findings from Mediascope Europe, the industry standard European media consumption study first launched in 2003 – measuring evolving media consumption patterns across online, radio, TV, newspapers and magazines. The study also covers internet use across four devices for the first time – computer, mobile, tablets and games consoles.
Key European findings revealed at IAB Europe’s Interact conference:
426.9m Europeans use the internet (65%), spending 14.8 hours online each week
One third (37%) of Europeans access the internet using more than one device
Traditional media activities are rapidly moving online with more than 9 in 10 European internet users visiting news websites
Europeans are using the web and watching TV simultaneously to complement their viewing experience
The internet has become an essential way for brands to engage with consumers with 4 in 10 European internet users agreeing that the way a brand communicates online is important
96% of European internet users research online for purchases and 87% shop online"
Source:  Press release from IAB Europe, 6th June 2012
Methodology:  "Conducted using a combination of online, telephone and face-to-face methodologies totalling over 50,000 interviews across 28 markets Mediascope Europe now ranks as one of the leading sources of data on European consumer use of media and online shopping habits."

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