Monday, 23 April 2012

Stats on tablet users & usage

"Today's Tablet User
"Tapping Into Tabletomics" also offers a snapshot of today's tablet user:
62% use their tablets daily
Daily tablet users spend an average of 2.4 hours per day on their tablets
85% of tablet use is for personal reasons versus business
77% of tablet use is alone
74% of tablet usage is done at home
Most media activities on the tablet, such as playing games and watching TV shows, peak with the 18-24 demo
The research reveals emotional connections to this device unlike any other in the household. More than 50% of respondents said their tablet makes them feel happier and more relaxed, while 49% said tablets make them more effective at managing life. Forty percent agree that "my tablet brings out the best in me" and 39% said tablets boost creativity.
One participant succinctly summed up her close relationship with her tablet: "The iPad is my form of entertainment, relaxation, fun, and opportunity to get information. It's my personal space, in a sense." However, not all tablet users feel the same. "Tapping into Tabletomics" revealed varying degrees of tablet love across four distinct segments of tablet users.
Power Trippers (18%): younger users, often male, that love their tablets and use them for everything.
Cool & Efficient (23%): frequent users that rely on tablets to be useful above anything else.
Happy-go-lucky (28%): light users that view tablets as a friendly source of enjoyment and entertainment.
Proceeding with Caution (31%): the lightest and often less technologically-savvy users that stick to basic activities.
Rush continued, "We found that the tablet is a jack of many trades - it offers video and social experiences, it's a source of information and it's portable. But despite its versatility, other devices prove irreplaceable."
While tablets provide both emotional and functional benefits, most tablet owners are not ready to purge their smartphones, laptops or gaming consoles. A vast majority, 65%, would replace their laptop before their tablet because it lacks the work functionality, and 77% would replace their iPhone before their iPad."
Source:  Data from Viacom's "Tapping Into Tabletomics", reported in a press release, 17th April 2012
Methodology:  "Drawing on a national online survey of more than 2,500 people ages 8-54 as well as qualitative, in-depth interviews with dedicated tablet users in New York and Los Angeles, "Tapping into Tabletomics" found that, in just a few years, tablets have risen to second-screen prominence for full-length TV (FLTV) show viewing, ahead of computers. Out of total time spent watching FLTV shows, 15% of viewing occurs on tablets."

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