Thursday, 12 January 2012

The size of the mHealth mobile app market rose seven-fold in 2011

"Since our first mHealth report was published last year, the growth in this market has greatly accelerated. The main drivers for this growth have been the increase in the smartphone user base on the demand side, and the doubling of the number of mHealth applications on the supply side.
Mobile healthcare market has grown a lot in the last year …
A majority of the major healthcare companies have discovered mHealth applications as an innovative way to promote and deliver healthcare services and products. A testament to this is that a number of these large players published mHealth apps in 2011 that go far beyond a simple allergy tracker or pill reminder, e.g. Sanofi Aventis’ sensor-based iBGStar Diabetis monitoring app.
As a consequence, the smartphone application based mHealth market increased by a factor of 7 to reach $US 718 million in 2011."
Source:  Press release from Research2Guidance, 11th January 2012

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