Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Louis CK made over $1m through a direct-to-fan comedy download

"Sean Parker wonders why any artist would sign with a major label these days. But maybe the better question is why any established artist would do the same. Just outside of the music sphere, the latest direct-to-fan feat comes from Louis C.K., who just grossed $1 million on his self-released stand-up download, Live at the Beacon Theater.  "Yesterday we made a million bucks," C.K. told Jimmy Fallon.          
And it's just been happening, just like that.  "It just goes into my phone like 'bling,' it's crazy.  I've never had one million dollars all at once," C.K. described.  And C.K. didn't have to share a gigantic percentage with a major media company, but he is sharing the proceeds with various charities while rewarding staff with Christmas bonuses.  Production costs, which came out of C.K.'s wallet, were around $250,000 and easily covered.
If you're just tuning into this one, C.K. recently positioned  Live at the Beacon Theater for $5, directly to fans.  The download was straight from his site via Paypal, and totally financed by the comedian.  "They said everyone was going to steal it, so I just wrote a note that said, 'please don't do that,'" C.K. joked.  But seriously, at least 220,000 people (and counting) opted for the low-priced, legal alternative."
See the download page here

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