Monday, 3 October 2011

A third of online home-traders in the UK take home over £10,000 per year

"The online parcel and delivery service Collect+ has discovered that the number of those earning money from online businesses has doubled in the last year.
The survey revealed that over a third of ‘e-pportunists’ take home over £10,000 per year,1 with over half of these traders having set up their businesses within the last year. Over 26 percent of e-pportunists are aged between 25 and 34 years of age, reflecting the current decline of the job market in certain sectors of industry and lower wages.
The findings suggest that many individuals are supplementing their existing incomes with online trading as a way of dealing with the increasing cost of living and difficult economic conditions. Almost a quarter of those surveyed revealed that the pressure of household bills had eased as a result of the income gained through online trading. As much as a third of surveyed consumers plan to abandon their day jobs and concentrate on e-businesses should the ventures become enough of a success – a sentiment shared by over 70% of the additional survey participants."
Source:  Press Release from Collect+, 2nd October 2011
Methodology:  A survey of 368 ‘e-pportunists’ through, on behalf of Collect+

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