Friday, 7 October 2011

Tablet users in the US spend more time online than other internet users

"If early adopter metrics are a fair indication, then the tablet is poised to be a genuine game changer in both the ways in which people access the Web and the sheer volume of their use.
According to research from Knowledge Networks, tablet-owning consumers on average spend 48% more time each day with the Internet -- 4 hours and 19 minutes across platforms compared to 2 hours and 55 minutes for all users.
Knowledge Networks extracted the data from their MultiMedia Mentor database of metrics charting media usage across eight media for adults ages 18 to 64.
Owners of tablets spend just under an hour a day (55 minutes) with the Internet on these devices. The other major tablet uses -- social networking, search and gaming -- each account for about 15% or 8 minutes each of tablet time."

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