Thursday, 27 October 2011

Differences between users of different mobile operating systems

"Android users are more likely than users of other platforms to visit education sites.
Windows Phone users are more likely to visit email and communications sites, compared to users of other platforms.
Feature phone users are far and away the most likely to visit social-network and community sites on their handsets, with Android users being the least likely.
BlackBerry (RIM) users are more likely than anyone else to visit computer and sports sites.
Android users are the most likely to view “Music, video and media” sites whereas iPhone users are least likely to view sites in that category.
Across all platforms, the top 2 categories (other than “Unclassified”) are: “Social networks & community” and “News & information”."
Source:  Taken from Opera's State of the Mobile Web report, 27th October 2011
Note - based on behaviour of people who use the Opera browser on their phone

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