Monday, 5 September 2011

Only 36% of British consumers know what QR codes are

"QR codes may be popular among marketers, but the vast majority of consumers (64%) don't know what they are for.
According to a survey of 794 online respondents by Simpson Carpenter, just 36% of consumers know what QR codes are for, while 11% have actually used them?
Does this lack of awareness mean that QR codes are not such a valuable tool, or do they target a smaller but potentially more valuable audience?"
Source:  Data from Simpson Carpenter, reported in Econsultancy, 5th September 2011

1 comment:

  1. The new Argos catalogue uses QR codes throughout to good effect. As I imagine this catalogue migrates itself into a large proportion of the population I reckon we can expect that 36% to increase rapidly over the next 6 months. However, QR codes will only take off if they offer something decent. Poor content will result in low take up
