Monday, 1 August 2011

YouTube accounts for almost a quarter of all global mobile data bandwidth

"Close to a quarter of all global mobile bandwidth is consumed by people watching YouTube videos, according to a new report from network management vendor Allot Communications. The global bandwidth share of the Google-owned video site was 22 percent in the first half of 2011, compared with just 17 percent in the first half of 2010. YouTube now accounts for 52 percent of all global mobile video streaming, according to Allot.
Overall, video streaming now accounts for 39 percent of all mobile traffic. File sharing, which includes both P2P file transfers and downloads from one-click host sites like MegaUpload and RapidShare, is a distant second with 29 percent, and web browsing accounts for 25 percent of all mobile traffic."
Source:  Data from Allot Communications, reported by GigaOM, 26th July 2011

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