Friday, 1 July 2011

Top Trending Topics for H1 2011

And, here are the top Trending Topics for the first half of 2011, divided into the two most popular categories:

World events/News
AH1N1 - Swine Flu
Mubarak - former Egyptian President
Easter - Christian holiday
Cairo - capital of Egypt
#prayforjapan - sentiment following the March earthquake and tsunami
Chernobyl - site of nuclear disaster in 1986
Libia/Libya - site of an ongoing civil war
Fukushima - Japanese nuclear power plant
William & Kate - Newly-named Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
Gadafi - Libyan political leader

Pop culture
Rebecca Black - pop singer
Femme Fatale - newly-released Britney Spears album
Charlie Sheen - actor
#tigerblood - hashtag popularized by Charlie Sheen
Nate Dogg - rapper
Anderson Silva - Brazilian mixed martial artist
Tom & Jerry - famous cartoon
Mumford & Sons - British rock band
Bieber alert - referring to artist Justin Bieber
Queen Gaga - referring to artist Lady Gaga
Source:  Twitter blog, 30th June 2011

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