Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Kickstarter has funded 10,000 projects

"On July 6th, a project called Citizen is releasing a 7” record! from a band in Toledo, Ohio, was funded by 28 backers, becoming the 10,000th successfully funded project in Kickstarter history.
Ten thousand successful projects is a big milestone. Watching projects from every corner of the creative spectrum come to life has been a wonderful thing, and to see what they've accomplished in aggregate is remarkable. Congrats to Citizen and the 9,999 other projects that made their accomplishment possible!
To celebrate, let's take a look at a few other milestones that Kickstarter has reached since our two-year anniversary post in April.
Project Statistics (current as of 7/17/2011)
Launched Projects: 26,620
Successful Projects: 10,388
Unsuccessful Projects: 13,113
Live Projects: 3,119
Success Rate: 44%"
Note - see the full blog post for a breakdown by month, by category etc

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