Friday, 8 July 2011

40% of American - & 25% of British - mobile web users use mobile banking services

"Young owners of smartphones in Britain and the United States are increasingly managing their finances via their phones, checking account balances and viewing transactions, new research shows.
Consumer research by mobile web and application specialists Antenna said 40 percent of those who accessed the Internet via mobile phones or tablet computers in the U.S. were using mobile banking services.
That compared with 25 percent in Britain.
The United States was also ahead in terms of how many users were accessing banking sites via a specific mobile application created by the bank, as opposed to reaching a mobile site via a browser on the Internet.
Antenna Chief Executive Jim Hemmer told Reuters that consumers, particularly younger ones, had little loyalty for which bank they used and therefore the banks could attract more customers if they improved their offerings."
Source:  Research by Antenna, reported by Reuters, 29th June 2011

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