Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Global internet video use was 26% higher on the day of the Royal Wedding

"Sandvine’s report on Royal Wedding internet use underscores several main points…
The event was a television event: TV sucked users from their internet screens.
But internet video use, for viewers not at a TV, jumped - up 26 percent over normal Fridays. “YouTube (NSDQ: GOOG) remained the largest source of video when measured in absolute bandwidth.” BBC iPlayer traffic was up nearly sevenfold.
Social media was also popular - Twitter and Facebook traffic saw a day peak during the ceremony itself and the balcony kiss.
A more modest mobile spike - “Mobile networks experienced larger, but more compact surges, suggesting ... people were being efficient with data usage, only using mobile devices for the highlights.”
Akamai reported that the wedding was the sixth-largest web event ever, measured in terms of page-views per minute.
Bear in mind - Royal Wedding day was a public holiday in the UK; most people were not at their work computers."
Source:  Data from Sandvine and Akamai, reported by PaidContent, 4th May 2011
Full pdf of the Sandvine report here

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