Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Twently year old Tom Ridgewell - Tomska - earns over £3,500 a month on YouTube

"When it comes to money we all use it, most of us earn it and nearly everyone wants more of it.
But unless your surname is Zuckerberg or Page when it comes to the internet, making money for a lot of people starts and ends with sites like eBay.
Not for 20-year-old student Tom Ridgewell, who's one of a new generation of YouTube stars making thousands of pounds through the site every month.
"I like to think I work in comedy," he says.
"I just try to make funny videos really - ones that make me laugh."
He's written, produced and directed dozens of short films, sketches and cartoons.
But get onto his channel and it's the numbers that really stand out: 55 million views and 220,000 subscribers - numbers he's been able to translate into money.
"They put adverts around your videos and you get a cut of that," Tom explains.
He wouldn't give away specific numbers but told Newsbeat he earns between £3,500 and £7,000 each month."
Source:  BBC Newsbeat, 20th April 2011

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