Friday, 8 April 2011

80% of British mobile internet users under 25 use their mobiles to communicate with friends while watching TV

"How young people watch television is rapidly changing according to a new study of UK mobile internet users below the age of 25.
80% of those surveyed use a mobile device to communicate with friends while watching TV with 72% using Twitter, Facebook or mobile applications to actively comment on shows as they are watching them.
These are the findings of a study conducted by Digital Clarity (, a specialist digital marketing agency which polled over 1300 people under 25 from a cross section of the UK.
The trend known as ‘Social TV’ is popular with young people as it allows them to instantly comment on their favourite shows to friends in different locations via the web or mobile phone.
In the US, a joint Nielsen and Yahoo study late last year found that the trend is already well established with over 86% of mobile internet users choosing to communicate with each other in real-time during broadcasts. Now ‘second screening’ as it is referred to in the States has become common place in the UK too.
Rather than social networks and television competing for attention it seems that young people are happy to embrace both and use one to enhance their enjoyment of the other.
The UK study found that 34% described the trend as ‘fun’, 32% said it made television ‘more interesting’ with 42% mentioning the ‘community’ aspect of ‘Social TV’."
Source:  Research by Digital Clarity, revealed in a press release, 8th March 2011

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