Monday, 18 April 2011

200m files are saved on Dropbox every day

"Dropbox will announce a number of milestones on Monday morning, we’ve learned. The file backup and sharing service was founded in 2007 by Drew Houston and Arash Ferdowsi.
It was in one of the early Y Combinator classes, now has 25 million users and 200 million files are “saved” daily, and more than 1 million every five minutes.
That’s impressive growth from the 4 million users the company had a year ago (they had two million in late 2009). Dropbox enables people to sync files and media across platforms and devices, in order to have them available from any location. The service also allows people to easily and quickly share files with others. Dropbox provides users with 2 GB of space for free, and they can pay for more."

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