Tuesday, 1 March 2011

The ads from the 2011 Super Bowl collectively achieved over 320m online views in 10 days

"2011 Super Bowl views beats all previous Super Bowl views combined. In aggregate, the entire flight of the 2011 Super Bowl ads have generated over 230 million views. Remember, this is in 10 days. We project that 2011 views will eclipse the total combined view counts for the Super Bowl ads from 2009 (99 million views) and 2010 (150 million views).
Social video is accelerating while broadcast grows steadily. Super Bowl ads generate half their views in the first three days after the game, putting 2011 projections at more than 300 million views total. This would be a 100% increase from 2010 to 2011 and a 50% increase from 2009 to 2010. Contrast this with broadcast viewership, which has grown from 99 million viewers in 2009, to 106 million views in 2010, to 111 million views in 2011, between 5% -7% annual growth.
Top 10 views are way up. In aggregate, the Top 10 2011 Super Bowl ads have generated over 96 million views (as of 10 days after the game).  For comparison, the entire flight of the 2009 Super Bowl ads generated a total 99 million views.
The Top 10 threshold is up dramatically. Doritos' The Best Part ad was able to take 10th place with 5.0 million views this year. In the same time period last year, 5.0 million views would have been good enough for 3rd place (second place was 5.1 million views).  The 2010 threshold at this time last year was 3.0 million views."
Source:  Visible Measures, 22nd February 2011

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