Wednesday, 9 February 2011

There are 36,000 active twitter users in Sweden

"Today, there are exactly 35 993 active twitter in Sweden. In total there are 91 462 Swedish accounts on Twitter, the report said "Twittercensus" presented today. The majority of all accounts is therefore dormant.
But Intellecta, behind the large census, argues that Twitter's media impact is large.
- It can sometimes seem like a small elite had a greater influence thanks to Twitter. It is true but is not the whole truth. It's about already established individuals who started to communicate in a new and more open platform, "says Hampus Brynolf, web strategist at Intellecta Corporate and one of the people behind the site in a statement.
Last year, stopped the growth rate of rigorously on micro-blog. Rapp notes that any root growth is not really to talk about anymore. But despite this, the number of references to Twitter in the media. Something that has become clear, particularly in"
Source:  Data from Intellecta, reported by Resume,se, 3rd February 2011, and translated using Google Translate

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