Tuesday, 22 February 2011

99% of internet access in Kenya is through mobile operators

"Highlights of Q4 2010:
There are 22 million mobile subscribers in Kenya
9.5% mobile subscriptions growth, which is increasing over the previous quarters
6.63 billion minutes of local calls were made on the mobile networks
740 million text messages were sent
Prepaid accounts for 99% of the total mobile subscriptions
The number of internet users was estimated at 8.69 million
The number of internet/data subscriptions is 3.2 million
Broadband subscriptions increased from 18,626 subscribers in the previous quarter to 84,726"
"A whopping 99% of the internet traffic in Kenya is done via mobile operators, meaning 3G, Edge or GPRS."
Source:  The latest Communications Commission of Kenya report, reported by White African, 18th February 2011

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