Friday, 28 January 2011

The European micropayments market was worth an estimated €6bn in 2010

"Digital media distributors are seeking new ways to monetise their content offerings. The growth in penetration of high-speed fixed and mobile internet has created new distribution channels and an opportunity for content distributors to sell to new, larger audiences to offset falling advertising revenues. For the majority of content distributors, subscription-based business models remain the most appealing.  However, not all types of consumers are willing to enter into such regular financial commitments and are therefore only monetisable through individual transactions of small value. These transactions, or ‘micropayments’, are typically of €5.00 or under (equivalent to approximately 4.50 GBP (£) and 6.50 USD ($) in value).
Value Partners estimates the European micropayments market is currently worth €6bn, and is set to grow to over €15bn by 2015. This corresponds to a 15% compounded annual growth rate over the next four years; a rate that is unique to micropayments and unparalleled in most other industries, channels, or payment types."
Source:  Value Partners, Capturing the Micropayments Opportunity, January 2011

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